
Thank you!

I wanted to dedicate this post to my Nani and Poppop. They are my grandparents. Well about the first day I moved to my new house(my grandparents were taking care of my fish) and my mom got a call and my fish had died and my mom decided it would be better if she did not tell me. So last night I finally got the news and decided to talk to my Nani and Poppop. They had gotten me 7 new fish! I was so excited! I wanted to tell them how thankful I am that they did that for me. I love you Nani and Poppop!


Anonymous said...

Hi Rhi! I didn't know you had fish, I used to have one, he was a goldfiish, and he lived for a couple of years, but man! Fish are pretty hard to keep up after

Rhi said...

Yeah no kidding

Anonymous said...

Everyone says that there easy, but really, there not!!!

Anonymous said...

Everyone says that fish are easy pets, but aside from not having to walkthem, they're not! LOL

Rhi said...
